Register and plan an appointment?
RegisterHere at Dental Practice Minerva, we notice that a lot of patients do not show up on their appointment. It is possible that you can not make it to your appointment due to illness or another reason. This is something that is usually out of your hands, but also out of ours.
If you cannot make it to your appointment, the room, time and staff that are reserved for your appointment cannot be utilised; unfortunately, some costs need to be covered. We use a no-show tariff for these situations. This means that, regardless of the reason, we will have to invoice you for the absence.
The costs of these no-show tariffs is calculated based on the amount of times that patients didn’t show up on their appointments. After 3 no-shows, we will have to invoice the complete costs of the treatment.
As a service to our patients, we are open on 3 evenings during the week and on Saturdays. If there is a no-show during any of these times, we are calculating a higher no-show tariff. If you want to reschedule or cancel an appointment, you can do so two workdays in advance.
Our patients are fully responsible for their planned appointments. As a service to you, we will send out emails one day before your appointment.